Behavior & Chat
When sending messages in chat, please treat people with kindness and respect. Messages should be in English only. Do not post the following content:
- Excessive swearing or profanity, some swearing is allowed.
- Extreme, obscene offensive language or slurs.
- Harassment, doxxing or sharing personal info.
- Spamming or repeatedly sending the same message.
- Advertising
- Links to obscene or harmful content.
The following builds are not allowed:
- Dupe machines
- Lag machines
- Writing using blocks that would break the chat rules.
- Obscene builds, eg. swastikas.
- Obscene map art.
- Lavacasts (unless part of a managed/planned build project)
- Builds that serve no other purpose than to make a mess. (block spamming, nerd poles, etc.)
We want players to build in peace with confidence that their build will remain unchanged. Therefore, griefing is strictly against the rules. The following counts as griefing, and will result in a ban:
- Breaking into a base by destroying blocks.
- Taking placed items/blocks from a player's build.
- Destroying or ruining a player's build.
- Corrupting, damaging or breaking redstone contraptions.
- Purposely placing blocks, lava or water so that it interferes with or ruins a player's build.
- Causing damage to someone's build using TNT or mobs.
Do not take other people's stuff without asking. Stealing is not allowed!
Mods, Hacks and Clients
Do not use any mod or client that gives you an unfair gameplay advantage. For example:
- Mods that deceive packets sent to the server.
- Mods that modify player movement
- Mods that allow extra capabilities such as seeing chests through walls, faster mining, xray, etc.
Technical disruption
Do not attempt to disrupt the server infrastructure or compromise the safety of members. For example, distributing harmful files or targeting the server with bots or network attacks.
Bans, Appeals, Accounts
Players must use a legitimate (not cracked) Minecraft account that belongs to them. Do not attempt to bypass the rules or evade a ban using an alternate account. By using Minecraft you agree to the Minecraft EULA and Microsoft Services Agreement.
Discord specific rules
You must follow the Discord Terms of Service and Community Guidelines.